Best Books on Minimalism
I’ve been interested in minimalism for years now. I saw it as a way to really cut my stress and add more time into my life. These are the best books on minimalism that I’ve found to motivate and lead the minimalism-curious into this awesome lifestyle!
Benefits of Minimalism
While I still consider myself a struggling minimalist, we have managed to drastically minimize our possessions over the last few years.
It’s odd how minimalism hits you.
You honestly don’t remember the things you threw away or donated.
They tell you that in all of the books, but I didn’t believe it until it happened for me.
The benefits of minimalism are quieter.
You have less things to tend to around your house so it makes it feel like you have more time than you did before.
As toys have slowly started to reproduce in our house and some of our strict minimalism rules have fallen to the wayside, I really realize how much of a gift true minimalism was.
If you’re just starting out, my best advice is to read one of these books – I tried to detail which books would work best for what kind of personality is reading it – and then just get started.
Minimalism is a lot like dieting.
You’ll always have a reason not to get started.
The benefits are so worth the effort!
Related: How to Become a Minimalist Family
Related: Fastest Way to Become Minimalist!
The Minimalist Home by Joshua Becker is the first book about minimalism that I read. He gives stats in it that will make you stop and really think. For example, did you know that 1 in 10 households have a storage unit to store their extra stuff? We literally are busting out of our houses and can't bear to part with our things - so we spend a fortune storing them just to let them go to waste. I found this book super motivational and really data driven. If you feel like you know the "why" behind minimalism but are just having trouble getting motivated enough to make a change, this is the book for you. It's a step by step guide to minimizing your home, but in my opinion, didn't offer many groundbreaking revelations. To me, that was okay. It was more of a quick read to get the permission you need to let go of things no longer serving you. I really like the authors of this book, so I thought I'd love their work in all forms. I think this book came at the wrong time for me, but would be a huge hit with someone that is brand new to minimalism or even skeptical about it. Instead of going in depth about how to minimize your home, they talk a lot about how vastly their lives have improved since finding minimalism. This is a great book for someone that just can't seem to part with their things and needs to really drive home the fact that their lives will be better as a result. If you are already committed to embracing the minimalist lifestyle, you are already beyond this book's scope - in my honest opinion. If you are still lacking in minimalism motivation and need a real humanist kick in the pants, this is the book for you. The author goes deep on the effects of our consumerist society. It's harm to our communities, the Earth, our families and relationships... I think when we're contemplating decluttering, it's common to be very focused on our own little world. Taking a step back and realizing that we all impact each other in one way or another is a perspective that can help some people find the motivation they need. You can't really have a list of minimalist books without including Marie Kondo. I have this book and have listened to the audio version. I'm including it here because it sparked not just joy, but a minimalism revolution. Unfortunately, I discovered this book as a mom with lots of little kids. It just wasn't feasible for me to dump all of my clothes into one pile and attempt to hold each one. That being said, people have truly changed their entire lives after reading this book. If you're in the season of life to make becoming a minimalist a once in a lifetime event, this is the book for you.Best Books on Minimalism