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5 Rules for New Year’s Resolutions That Stick!

Do you set New Year’s Resolutions every year only to fall back into your old habits?  If so, you’re like most of the people who still make resolutions. A lot of people have given up all together!

Let’s make this year different!  Here are 5 rules to follow when making your resolutions to make sure you make resolutions you can actually stick to!

Be specific

It’s easy to say “lose weight” or “spend less”, but unless your goals are measurable, how will you know if you achieve them?  Instead, say “lose 10 pounds” or “only go out to lunch once per week.”

Keep it Simple!

Up to 3 resolutions is reasonable although you’d be in the majority if you were able to stick with just one.

Don’t go overboard and think this is going to be the year that I perfect my life!  Instead, pick one area you’d like to improve and base your resolutions around that.

Create a Habit

The only way to stick with something long term – say, for a whole year – is to make a habit or a lifestyle change.  If your New Years Resolution is to be healthier or lose weight, you could start by going for a 30 minute jog every morning when you wake up or a brisk walk after dinner.

Make it a habit to pack your lunch the night before (right after dinner is a great time – take left overs!) if your resolution is to buy lunch less.

Fit your resolution into your daily routine.  This way, you’re setting your resolution on autopilot and you start to do things like leave the house earlier or incorporate more exercise into your day naturally instead of forcing yourself to do it 365 days a year.

Plan for Challenges

You need to create a plan for handling the things that will stand in your way of accomplishing your goals.  If you’re too tempted to eat bad food, don’t have it in the house.  Sometimes the whole family has to suffer around New Years Resolution time!

Trying to save money?  Plan for unexpected expenses and even ones that are notorious for derailing a budget – like invitations to lunch or drinks and birthdays/holiday gifts.

Tell Someone

Be accountable!  Tell everyone your resolutions, post it on Facebook if you have to.  Ask people to check in with you and make sure you’re sticking to your guns.

Sometimes, having guilt actually works in your favor.  This works even better if you’re naturally a people-pleaser (not a good thing, but we’ll work on that together in the new year too!)

Your Homework

Right now, I want you to sit down and think of 1 to 3 things you’d love to change about your life.  Is it the typical New Year resolutions like losing weight or saving money?  Or maybe something like drinking more water, eating healthier, being a better parent, spouse, employee?  Identify one measurable thing that will inch you closer to that goal.

Think of a couple of small resolutions you can incorporate into your daily routine and truly believe that you can stick with it!  I know you can do it!


Have you ever successfully stuck to a New Years’ Resolution for an entire year?  What would you add to this list?  Let me know in the comments!



Monday 29th of January 2018

I’m now thinking of my top 3 resolutions for this coming year. I will stick to it just like what you said. I hope to accomplish it this year!


Saturday 7th of January 2017

Excellent tips on setting goals! Would love to have you link this up to my gratitude and goals linky:) and some of your other recent posts that apply :)

How to Make New Year’s Resolutions That Actually Stick – Buzz AffCart

Friday 16th of December 2016

[…] important to think positive and visualize your success. And it’s equally as important to anticipate challenges so they don’t blindside you when they (inevitably) rear their heads. Spend some time […]

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