Maintain Your Sanity As You Conquer Infertility With PCOS
If you suffer with PCOS and are struggling with infertility, it becomes all you think about.
I know because I’ve been there.
I HAVE gotten pregnant 3 times using natural methods and I believe anyone who is struggling with PCOS related infertility should make a decision with their healthcare professional to try the same method I use.
PCOS does NOT have to be a death sentence for your ability to become a parent!
Are you struggling to get pregnant with PCOS?
When I received my PCOS diagnosis, I was devastated. I was sure we’d never be able to grow our family because there was NO WAY we could afford those expensive fertility treatments.
A doctor at our chosen fertility clinic told my husband and I that it’s highly likely that I rarely if ever ovulate without the help of fertility drugs.
I was absolutely determined to find another way.
We’ve now gotten pregnant 3 times NATURALLY with the help of just two (insanely cheap) supplements.
Taking the vitamins was the easy part.
The hard part was the waiting.
And obsessing.
And worrying we’d never be able to grow our family.
It took over my thoughts and was all I could focus on.
That’s where the PCOS Planner comes in.
It felt like if I wasn’t obsessing over getting pregnant, I was giving up.
Now I realize that isn’t the case AT ALL.
Instead, by tracking all of my vitamins, temperature, thoughts and fears, and the signs my body was giving me – I was able to LET IT GO and let my body do the work.
My goal for the PCOS Printable Planner is to be the one place PCOS warriors document their PCOS crap (because it really is crap that anyone should ever have to go through this), close it, and move on.
I want this planner to be the ONLY place your PCOS affects your life.
You record every day when you take your vitamins or medications, your daily basal body temperature (how I knew I was pregnant with an hcg of just 7, by the way), and all of your negative PCOS-related thoughts.
Then, you close it and go on with your life and ENJOY IT TO THE FULLEST.
What good does this do?
Studies show that stress is a huge cause of anovulation (lack of ovulation) and stress increases the negative effects PCOS is already having on your fertility.
The goal of this planner is to give you the peace of mind you need – that you’re doing all you can do to combat this disease and cutting your stress level to give yourself the best chance at getting pregnant.
As a PCOS sister – I truly hope this planner brings you the comfort and peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re managing this horrible diagnosis and YOU’RE in control – not the other way around.